Victaulic (唯特利)及科進集團 (WSP) 一眾代表於11月19日參觀了我們位於八鄉的新鷹預製件工場。
Victaulic (唯特利)及科進集團 (WSP) 一眾代表於11月19日參觀了我們位於八鄉的新鷹預製件工場。期間我們展示半自動生產線及示範利用重型機械組裝預製件。除此之外, 亦就Victaulic組件在預製件生產的應用進行研討。我們在此感謝各位到訪,任何人士或團體如有興趣, 歡迎聯絡我們安排參觀。
Representatives of Victaulic Limited & WSP have visited our Sun Ying Prefab Factory on 19/11. During the visit, director Dr. Alex Lee introduced the semi-automatic production line and demonstrated the operations of several advanced machines.There was also a fruitful discussion regarding the application of Victaulic engineering parts in prefabricated productsWe would like to take this opportunity to thank all the guests for joining our factory tour. If you are interested, please contact us and book a tour visit!